David Blandy: Anjin 1600-Edo Wonderpark – press coverage

A great selection of press coverage for David Blandy’s new show ‘Anjin 1600 – Edo Wonderpark’ -One of this week’s ‘must see’ exhibitions by Time Out http://www.timeout.com/london/art/this-weeks-best-new-art -Blouin art info http://www.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/945461/manga-obsessed-uk-artist-set-to-launch-his-edo-wonderpark-in -the East  http://www.theeast.org/?p=221454 -Guardian Guide 14 September 2013 http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2013/sep/13/exhibitionist-art-shows-14-sep -Dazed Digital http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/17038/1/art-news -Art … Continued

Saris’s Log, 8 September 1613

On this day, 400 years ago, an Englishman finally met with Tokugawa Ieyasu… “I was carried in my Pallankin to the Castell of Surungo (where the Emperour keepth his Court) and … ledd mee into a faier roome, matted, where … Continued

Japan400 Week: 8 – 15 September 2013

The Japan400 organising committee announces a series of special, landmark events in Japan400 Week to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the first contacts between King James I and the Shogun following the arrival in 1613 of an East India Company … Continued

Saris’s Log, 6 September 1613

They arrive in Suruga/Surunga [modern-day Shuzuoka City]… “This Cittie of Surunga is full bigge as London with all the Subvrbes… Assoone as wee setled in our lodginge in Surunga, I sent Mr Adams to the courte to left the Secretarie … Continued

Saris’s Log, 30 August 1613

…a very short stay… “Wee weare furnished with 19 horse at the Emperour’s [Ieyasu’s] charge, to carrie vpp our kings presents…I had a Pallankin appointed for me, and a spare horse ledd by, to ride when I pleased, verie well … Continued

Extract from Saris’s Log, 29 August 1613

…and soon they arrived in Kyoto… “wee founde heere a garrison of 3000 souldiers, maynteyned by the Emperour [Ieyasu] to keep Miaco [Kyoto] and Osaca in sunieccion”